In Kürze

3. Eingebettete und interaktive Systeme



François Buntschu

April 2019 - Juni 2020

Use of advanced mobile tactical networks based on complex mobile nodes

Armasuisse is investigating the use of advanced mobile tactical networks based on rather complex mobiles nodes. The nodes have many capabilities: UHF/VHF smart radio, GPS, ad-hoc routing, tactical applications, Unix PC control, etc. The smart radio allows testing new ideas to improve their performance. However, testing is time-consuming and innovative concepts should first be simulated - or better, emulated - to assess the resulting improvements and possible limitations. Comparisons with measured performances, if possible, are of major interest.

This ISTake project aims to investigate these challenges, to propose innovative solutions and validate the most promising solutions. A focus on flexibility, reliability and security is expected, at the expense of energy efficiency or simplicity.

We propose to investigate - under various mobility and user traffic scenarios - the effects of the various metrics using the OLSRd2 routing, combined or not with various Rate Adaptation, Power Adaptation and Slot Reuse schemes.