Education and research are our missions
La HEIA-FR participe au salon Your Challenge à Martigny
Nouveau livre : Analyse exergétique des systèmes de chauffage et de refroidissement
Major recognition for an external expert in Chemistry
Mon parcours vers l'architecture : comment j'ai choisi ces études
Futur en tous genres, pour présenter aux filles les domaines techniques
Félicitations aux diplômé·es !
31.01 202539th SAOG meeting
04.02 2025Your Challenge - Salon des métiers de Martigny
13.02 2025Forum Horizon
17.02 2025Réinventer le regard - Ila Bêka & Louise Lemoine
18.02 2025START! Forum des Métiers
19.02 2025Conférence du génie civil - Stratégies urbaines en matière d’infrastructures
26.02 2025Séances d'information
05.03 2025Forum HES-SO
The HEIA-FR offers a wide range of interdisciplinary study programs combining theory and practice, including six Bachelor’s degrees, four HES-SO Master’s degrees and one Advanced Diploma for technicians.
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Pioneering applied research
ChemTechInstitute of Chemical Technology
ENERGYInstitute of Applied Research in Energy Systems
HumanTechTechnology for Human Wellbeing Institute
iCoSysInstitute of Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems
iPrintInstitute for Printing
iRAPInstitute for Applied Plastics Research
iSISInstitute of Smart and Secured Systems
iTECInstitute of Construction and Environmental Technologies
SeSiSustainable Engineering Systems Institute
TRANSFORMInstitute of Architecture: Heritage, Construction and Users