The role of stereochemistry in the anticancer activity of Re(I) tricarbonyl complexes

Prof. Dr Olimpia Mamula Steiner & Dr Atena Solea from the ChemTech Institute published recently as corresponding authors, together with Prof. Fabio Zobi (University of Fribourg) a research article in the well-known international journal Dalton Trans about the synthesis of new molecules based on Rhenium complexes with anti-cancer properties. The new compounds offer unique insights into the relation between stereochemistry and biological activity. The diastereomers exhibited distinct anticancer activities, one of them displaying exceptional cytotoxicity against HCT116 and MCF-7 cancer cells. This research underscores the significance of chirality in the design of novel anticancer agents and makes a step towards the use of Re(I) complexes as effective candidates for cancer treatment.
The article was also highlighted by the journal inside-cover page (see below). 
For more details see the article: “The role of stereochemistry in the anticancer
activity of Re(I) tricarbonyl complexes”
Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 13743-13755


27 September 2024