
Architecture and Energy

Fonds HES-SO

January 2022 - January 2023

Data transfer method for heritage buildings in a BIM-compliant model integrating sustainable development indicators.

This research lies at the intersection between the fields of digital construction, renovation and sustainable development.

It will be carried out on a case study of the heritage building known as the «Halle grise» ­– a decommissioned industrial site in Fribourg. In the initial phase, a methodology hypothesis will be developed and tested on one room of the case study building. The methodology will undergo up to two iterations and will be adapted in the end to the building as a whole.

The BIM-Ren project aims to develop an exemplary and complete method that will enable the construction sector’s different actors to manage their data flow in an efficient and precise manner.

A best practice toolkit destined for widespread use and a digital twin of the «Halle grise» will be made available to a broad public.