Carbon Fri
Label Carbon Fri
Carbon Fri is a non-profit foundation created in 2018 in Fribourg. The funds raised by the Foundation are reinjected into the Fribourg economy by supporting local projects aimed at reducing CO2 emissions.
At ROSAS, we have renewed our label for the year 2023 and we are committed to rethinking our ways of doing and thinking in order to reduce our impact on the earth's ecosystem.
Main measures taken by ROSAS to reduce CO2 emissions in the last 12 months:
- Digitalising processes to use less paper
- Encouraging employees to use soft mobility or public transport for their travel
- Favouring training and conferences in Switzerland rather than abroad
- Promote teleworking
- Encourage virtual conferences with clients
- Putting in place waste separation bins
Measures planned to reduce CO2 emissions and other harmful outputs in the next 12 months:
- Promote train travel when travelling
Reduce waste - Participate in the BikeToWork challenge
- Adopt a pro-environmental approach in project research
- Adopt appropriate communication to raise awareness among employees, partners and customers.
- Rethink the purchase of various materials for the cafeteria, offices and events organised by ROSAS
- Develop a more specific commitment plan with a specialist in sustainable development
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

13 April 2023